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How Should Glasses Fit Your Face?

A woman trying on glasses and looking into a handheld mirror to see how she looks

You may be tempted to find the cheapest pair of glasses regardless of how they fit. However, glasses must fit your face. When you buy from a professional like an optometrist or optician, you gain the advantage of their knowledge on how the frames should fit. Suppose you’re the lone wolf type and prefer to […]

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Spring is in the air!

Although you may still be feeling uncertain about the future, rest assured that York Mills Eye Care will be here for all your eye care needs as we have been for 30 years. That’s right, we are celebrating 30 years in the neighborhood! A milestone that we couldn’t have reached without support from you, our […]

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Sunset gazpacho

At York Mills Eye Care, we love this soup! Load up on lutein and zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and vitamin E with this refreshing cold soup made of our favorite orange vegetables. Perfect for a cocktail party. The soup also contains Vidalia onions, which are rich in vitamin C. Despite the egg garnish, this recipe contains very […]

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Eye-Health Smoothie

This nutritious smoothie contains lots of vitamins that promote eye health. By Helen M. Rasmussen, PhD, RD Virginia Paige Murphy and RD Elizabeth J. Johnson, PhD Preparation time: less than 30 mins Cooking time: less than 10 mins Serves: Makes 1 large smoothie Ingredients 65g/2¼oz cooked kale 1 tbsp almond butter ½ tsp wheatgerm oil 160ml/5½fl oz […]

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The Eyesight Salad

 The two super-nutrients essential for eye health, which might be even able to restore your vision, are Lutein and Zeaxanthin and are found in green leafy vegetables, eggs and all yellow or orange colored vegetables and fruits. Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids, which are the plant pigments that give color to many fruits and vegetables. These two […]

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