Adult & Senior Eye Exams in North York

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Eye Exams Tailored to You

Quality eye care starts with regular eye exams. At York Mills Eye Care, we take it upon ourselves to create truly personalized experiences from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave.

Our team of eye care professionals in North York take the time to learn your needs so we can customize your exam to ensure we deliver meaningful solutions to any issue you may be experiencing. Whether you’re looking for an updated prescription or you wish to preserve your vision from the threat of eye disease, we’re here to help.

Book your appointment and see the difference quality eye care can make.

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optical device

What to Expect During an Eye Exam

Your eye health and vision can change as you age, but we’re here to help.

We dedicate ourselves to providing personalized experiences for every patient. No matter your needs, we adapt our eye exam process to reflect your goals while maintaining our commitment to quality and thoroughness.

Initial Conversation

We start every eye exam with a conversation about your health history, your family’s health history, and any eye or vision problem you may have. This conversation helps us orient the exam to suit your needs and provides you with an opportunity to ask questions or stress concerns.

Once we ensure your vision and health history are correct and up to date, we’ll start with the rest of the exam.

Assessing your visual strength and acuity is how we determine your lens prescription. We have several tests to do this, but some of the most tried and true techniques include a phoropter (a device that tests your vision with multiple lenses) and a Snellen eye chart.

Once we have your lens prescription, we will then screen your eyes for diseases.

Eye disease screenings are crucial for every eye exam. As you age, your eyes are at a higher risk for diseases that should be diagnosed by an optometrist.

We use the latest retinal imaging and tonometry technology to search for signs of eye diseases. These diseases can include glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration, among others.

At the end of the exam, we’ll provide our findings and recommendations for managing your eye health and vision. Depending on your needs, we may update your glasses and contact lens prescriptions, prescribe medication, or recommend treatments like laser eye surgery.

How Often Should You Have an Eye Exam?

According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, most patients should have an eye exam once every 2 years. However, we recommend annual exams so we can catch the earliest signs of issues before they permanently affect your eyes.

Are You at Risk?

You may need more frequent eye exams if you’re at risk of developing certain eye conditions. You may be at risk if you:

Book Your Next Eye Exam in North York

Your eye care journey can start today. Book an appointment with York Mills Eye Care and let our team find you the help you deserve.

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Where to Find Us

Our Address

97 Wilson Avenue
North York, ON M5M 2Z9

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Clinic Hours

9 AM5 PM
11 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

Closed Fridays of Holiday Weekends

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Can Dry Eye Cause Headaches?

Dry Eye

Can Dry Eye Cause Headaches?

Dry Eye

The connection is believed to be the underlying cause of each condition, rather than dry eyes causing headaches or vice versa. Both dry eyes and headaches can be caused by lifestyle habits like poor nutrition and diet or exposure to harsh environments and lighting. […]

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August 7, 2024
Dr. Vagners

The connection is believed to be the underlying cause of each condition, rather than dry eyes causing headaches or vice versa. Both dry eyes and headaches can be caused by lifestyle habits like poor nutrition and diet or exposure to harsh environments and lighting. […]

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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

Eye Exams

What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

Eye Exams

Regular comprehensive eye exams are a lot more important than you might think. They aren’t just about checking your vision and getting you a new prescription; they’re about looking for the signs that something may be wrong. Plenty of different eye conditions can subtly develop without showing any obvious symptoms, and your optometrist is looking […]

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July 30, 2024
Dr. Vagners

Regular comprehensive eye exams are a lot more important than you might think. They aren’t just about checking your vision and getting you a new prescription; they’re about looking for the signs that something may be wrong. Plenty of different eye conditions can subtly develop without showing any obvious symptoms, and your optometrist is looking […]

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Are Contact Lens Prescriptions The Same as Glasses Prescriptions?

Eye Care

Are Contact Lens Prescriptions The Same as Glasses Prescriptions?

Eye Care

Choosing between contact lenses and eyeglasses can be a big decision for many individuals for their eye care. Whether you are a seasoned contact lens wearer or someone who primarily uses eyeglasses, it’s important to understand the differences between contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions. There is ultimately a difference in prescriptions since one lens sits […]

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July 5, 2024
Dr. Vagners

Choosing between contact lenses and eyeglasses can be a big decision for many individuals for their eye care. Whether you are a seasoned contact lens wearer or someone who primarily uses eyeglasses, it’s important to understand the differences between contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions. There is ultimately a difference in prescriptions since one lens sits […]

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