Cataracts Diagnosis & Treatment in North York

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Clearing Up Your Cataracts

Although cataracts are a naturally occurring eye condition, they can still impact your quality of life. Hazy, cloudy vision is a symptom of cataracts that typically increases with age. York Mills Eye Care has the diagnostic tools to recognize when your eyes need cataract treatment.

Get back crystal clear vision with a comprehensive eye exam in North York. Our optometrists will evaluate your eyes and recommend the best treatment if cataracts are present.

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What Are Cataracts?

Cataracts typically form in those over 60 when proteins in the eye’s lens begin to clump together. This process creates a haze in the field of vision and can eventually make it difficult to perform day-to-day activities.

Cataracts develop slowly but continue to progress if left untreated. What may have started as a slight blur in a specific part of your vision can become a completely opaque lens. When cataracts have completely clouded your vision, it’s time for a lens replacement.

Causes of Cataracts

The leading cause of cataracts is age. Proteins that naturally occur in the eye begin to break down and clump together as a person gets older. But there are other factors that increase the rate of cataracts.

Cataracts Risk Factors

  • Family history of cataracts
  • Other medical conditions, like diabetes
  • An eye injury, surgery, or trauma
  • Overexposure to UV rays
  • Excessive smoking
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Consumption of certain medicines, like steroids
  • Obesity

What Happens During Cataract Surgery?

The safe and reliable way to treat advanced stages of cataracts is with cataract surgery. In this procedure, the clouded natural lens is replaced with a clear synthetic one. In successful surgeries, the new lens performs just like your natural lens did before cataracts.

Cataract surgery is an extremely common surgical procedure in Canada and has a success rate of over 97%. The surgery procedure has become so fine-tuned that each eye lens replacement typically takes less than 15 minutes.

How Cataract Surgery Works

Tiny incisions are made at the front of the eye, and your original lens is removed. An ultrasonic probe may break up the lens for easier removal. After this, an intraocular lens that mimics all the functions of your natural (now removed) lens is implanted.

Expect to rest for 20 to 30 minutes after the surgery as the micro-incisions naturally heal.

Help Control Cataracts

For some people, cataracts may be inevitable, but there are ways to delay them. Studies show that wearing sunglasses is a simple and easy method to slow down the development of cataracts.

When cataracts start to affect your vision, reach out to us for advice. Our comprehensive eye exams at York Mills Eye Care are designed to evaluate cataracts and provide you with the information you need to make decisions on replacement surgery.

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97 Wilson Avenue
North York, ON M5M 2Z9

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11 AM7 PM
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