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Category: Glasses

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Why Should I Buy Glasses From My Optometrist?

An optometrist helping her smiling patient choose between different sets of glasses in front of a display of frames.

Investing in a new pair of glasses is more than just a fashion statement. It’s a conscious move towards improved vision, eye health, and quality of life. However, next time you’re thinking about updating your eyewear, make sure you’re visiting your optometrist. But why? Remember—your optometrist is an eye care professional, and buying glasses from […]

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How Should Glasses Fit Your Face?

A woman trying on glasses and looking into a handheld mirror to see how she looks

You may be tempted to find the cheapest pair of glasses regardless of how they fit. However, glasses must fit your face. When you buy from a professional like an optometrist or optician, you gain the advantage of their knowledge on how the frames should fit. Suppose you’re the lone wolf type and prefer to […]

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