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Why Should I Buy Glasses From My Optometrist?

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An optometrist helping her smiling patient choose between different sets of glasses in front of a display of frames.

Investing in a new pair of glasses is more than just a fashion statement. It’s a conscious move towards improved vision, eye health, and quality of life. However, next time you’re thinking about updating your eyewear, make sure you’re visiting your optometrist. But why?

Remember—your optometrist is an eye care professional, and buying glasses from them gives you:

  • Accuracy
  • Quality
  • Comfort and customization
  • Convenience
  • Aftercare services and maintenance

It’s an excellent way to invest in your future vision.


When it comes to eye care, your optometrist and optician are licensed eye care professionals, and their knowledge is valuable. They have access to your eye health history, giving them valuable information they can use to give you an accurate prescription tailored to your unique visual needs. But when you buy your glasses online, you don’t have access to this personal approach. 

When you buy from your optometrist, they’ll make sure you see clearly with your new eyewear. You won’t need to deal with symptoms such as:

  • Headaches
  • Eye strain
  • Discomfort
  • Pinching
  • Poor vision

Your optometrist uses precise measurements and high-quality technology to make sure that every aspect of your vision is addressed—from efficiency to comfort, it’s all taken into account. From reading to distance vision and everything in between, your optometrist has the skills needed to give you clear, comfortable vision with your new lenses.


Bulk stores and online retailers often prioritize quantity over quality. The materials used in mass-produced generic eyeglasses are typically made of cheap materials, which don’t last as long as a quality pair of proper frames and lenses.

The quality of materials used in glasses purchased from an optometrist are designed to give you a long-lasting, durable, and comfortable new pair of eyeglasses. These frames can withstand daily wear and tear, helping them last longer and providing better investment value.

When you buy your eyeglasses from your optometrist, you’re choosing quality.

Comfort & Customization

An ill-fitting pair of eyewear is more detrimental than you might think. When your glasses aren’t fitted properly to your face and head, you’ll quickly start to deal with:

  • Pressure
  • Slipping
  • Discomfort
  • Vision issues

However, your optician has significant experience, and they can work closely with you to give you clear and comfortable vision. With their skills, they can make sure your eyewear is customized to your unique needs and guide you toward a set of frames that work well for your face shape and lifestyle. No matter your preferred style or pattern, your optician will help you find the right pair.

They’ll also use their expertise to make any necessary adjustments to keep your new eyewear comfortable and customized to your needs. The result is simple—a unique pair of eyeglasses that look and feel great.

An optometrist holding a small mirror for a well-dressed woman as she smiles while trying on a new pair of glasses.


If you try to buy your eyewear online, you’d need to:

  • Schedule an eye exam to get your new prescription
  • Order your frames from a digital store
  • Wait for shipping and delivery
  • Personally handle any problems that arise

On the other hand, if you buy from an experienced optometrist, you can do everything in one location. Your optometrist can make sure you have an accurate prescription and prepare your glasses quickly. Meanwhile, you can try on different frames in-store and get immediate feedback from the on-site professionals, giving you access to a wealth of information that would otherwise be inaccessible.

This streamlined process means that all the details are handled for you. From the initial measurements to the order processing, you don’t need to worry about taking care of anything but yourself.

Aftercare Services & Maintenance

One of the most important benefits of buying glasses from your optometrist is simple—your optometrist will be able to provide you with plenty of aftercare support.

Buying glasses online means the transaction is over once the new frames are in your hands. You typically won’t receive support, adjustments, or any needed changes. It’s a less personal touch that offers little to no post-purchase support.

However, glasses often require small adjustments to make sure they fit you properly. When you buy from an optometrist, you’ll be able to get help with:

  • Tightening any loose parts
  • Replacing nose pads and arms
  • Realigning frames to your face
  • Replacing any damaged parts

Meanwhile, many optometrists will also offer valuable warranties or financial support, making navigating the complicated world of insurance and benefit coverage much easier. This comprehensive help makes the entire process significantly easier, and if you have any problems, you can always return for personalized support. This peace of mind can make all the difference!

Where to Get New Glasses

If you’re ready to experience the difference, come see our team at York Mills Eye Care. Buying your glasses from us is more than just updating your eyewear—it’s an investment in your eye health and vision. Our team can help find the right pair for you, so book your styling appointment with us today!

Written by Dr. Vagners

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