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Category: Eye Exams

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Does OHIP Cover Eye Exams?

Older adult paying for an eye exam with a credit card in an optometry clinic.

Your vision is an essential part of your overall health, yet many Ontario residents wonder whether OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) covers eye exams. With policies and eligibility requirements that can sometimes feel complex, understanding what’s covered and for whom is vital. When it comes to eye exam coverage, OHIP coverage depends on several factors, […]

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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

A close-up image of a senior woman during an eye exam.

Regular comprehensive eye exams are a lot more important than you might think. They aren’t just about checking your vision and getting you a new prescription; they’re about looking for the signs that something may be wrong. Plenty of different eye conditions can subtly develop without showing any obvious symptoms, and your optometrist is looking […]

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