Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management in North York

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Early Diagnosis Is Key

The key to healthy eyes lies in annual eye exams. During an exam, your optometrist assesses your prescription and looks for signs of eye disease. Many eye diseases show little or no symptoms until vision loss has already begun to occur, so it’s essential that you get your eye health checked regularly.

As we age, our likelihood of developing eye problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration increases. Be proactive about managing these eye conditions and book an appointment at York Mills Eye Care.

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Managing Common Eye Diseases

There’s a long list of eye conditions that can negatively affect vision. But certain common ailments are attributed to causing blindness more than others. These diseases are best managed with early diagnosis and immediate treatment.

During a comprehensive eye exam, we test for many eye conditions, including the ones listed here.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

The part of the eye responsible for central vision is the macula, located right in the center of the retina. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye condition that occurs when the macula breaks down, which typically occurs after the age of 55.

Blurred vision and central black spots are common symptoms of AMD, but may only become apparent after the condition is more advanced. These vision deficiencies are irreversible, so getting annual comprehensive eye exams is paramount in slowing AMD. Wearing sunglasses and consuming a diet high in antioxidants can help prevent AMD development.

When left untreated, AMD can develop into the more serious wet macular degeneration. This condition can result in rapid vision loss. Beyond getting regular eye exams, try to limit smoking and make exercise part of your routine to reduce the risk of developing wet AMD.

The tiny blood vessels connected to the retina can become blocked with high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can lead to diabetic retinopathy. Learn more about our diabetic eye exam process and how we monitor this disease on our diabetic eye exam page. 

Glaucoma describes a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve. This is often related to increased pressure in the eye. Learn more about what glaucoma is and how we treat it on our glaucoma page.

Symptom Awareness

Many eye diseases only begin to show obvious symptoms after damage has already occurred. So it really is important to seek help if you notice changes to your vision. Getting treatment right away can make all the difference in protecting your sight.

If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact us immediately.


Sudden flashes of light in your field of vision should not occur regularly. Random patterns of light flashes could indicate problems with the retina and potentially indicate posterior vitreous detachment. Seek medical attention when flashes are accompanied by floaters.

Fibres of the eye jelly that drift across your field of vision are called floaters. When they’re occasional, these thin dark strands are not usually a threat, but a sudden eruption of floaters can indicate a potential eye emergency.

Dry eye syndrome can occur for a number of reasons, and is not necessarily dangerous on its own. Chronic symptoms can indicate more serious eye conditions. Learn more about dry eyes and how we treat them on our dry eye therapy page.

Keratoconus is a condition that occurs when the eye’s cornea changes shape irregularly. This most often happens between the ages of 10 and 25. If sudden and rapid changes in the cornea occur after this period, it may indicate a serious eye condition.

The sensation of constantly burning, red, or itchy eyes may indicate conjunctivitis (pink eye), dry eye syndrome, or allergies. Please see one of our optometrists to assess your symptoms and provide you with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

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97 Wilson Avenue
North York, ON M5M 2Z9

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What Happens if You Get Cat Pee in Your Eye?

Eye CareEye Health

What Happens if You Get Cat Pee in Your Eye?

Eye CareEye Health

Owning a pet can be extremely rewarding, but sometimes, unusual situations happen. These sorts of things are entirely normal, especially when cleaning up after your furry friend. You should always take steps to protect your eyes, no matter the situation—even when you’re cleaning a litterbox. Eye infections are serious problems, after all! If you ever […]

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February 6, 2025
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