Emergency Eye Care Services in North York

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Emergency Eye Care in North York

If you are experiencing a medical emergency and require immediate help, dial 9-1-1

If you or someone you are with is experiencing rapid vision loss or has undergone eye trauma, please call our office immediately. York Mills Eye Care places a priority on patients with emergency eye care needs. Calling ahead will help us prepare for your arrival.

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What is Considered an Eye Care Emergency?

The following symptoms could indicate an eye emergency:

  • Warped vision
  • Tunnel vision
  • Sudden vision loss
  • Severe eye pain
  • Sudden onset of floaters
  • Sudden onset of flashes
  • Sudden, unrelenting blurring of your vision
  • Visual disturbances
  • Corneal abrasion
  • Chemical contact
  • A foreign object in your eye
  • Significant discharge from your eye

Eye Emergency Protocol Procedures

Please follow the guidelines below if you or someone near you has experienced any of the eye emergencies listed.

Chemical Contact

Exposure to chemicals, even those not listed as dangerous, can do damage to your eyes. Should you get any chemical substance in your eyes, flush them immediately. Using the nearest source of cool, clean water, flush your eye for at least 15 minutes.

Even if your eyes begin to feel better, it’s imperative to continue flushing them for the entire 15 minutes to ensure all residual traces of the chemical have been washed away. Any chemical traces that remain can cause damage later.

Your cornea is the front surface of your eye, the clear dome that covers your iris and pupil. Like other areas of your eye, it’s incredibly delicate and can be easily damaged. A scratch or impact can make your eye vulnerable to infection.

If you experience a corneal abrasion, do not rub your eye. This may make the situation worse by moving the debris around and causing more damage. Instead, gently rinse your eye with clean, cool water to remove any debris and immediately seek professional medical attention.

If an object is embedded in your eye, do not rub your eye or attempt to remove the object. This may cause further damage. Proceed to the nearest hospital immediately.

If there is a loose object trapped between your eyelid and your eye or resting on the surface of your eye, avoid rubbing your eye. Instead, you can attempt to dislodge the object by flushing your eye with clean, cool water. Once you dislodge the object, seek medical attention. 

Do not try to remove the object using your fingers or a pair of tweezers, as this may cause further damage. If you cannot remove the object by flushing your eye, seek medical attention immediately.

There are many different causes for red or bloodshot eyes, so it’s crucial to determine the root problem. A common cause of red or pink eyes is conjunctivitis, or “pink eye”—inflammation resulting from allergic, bacterial, or viral infection.

Red eyes can be caused by purely environmental factors or appear as an unfortunate side effect of a pre-existing eye condition. Causes can range from something as simple as dust or smoke to more complex afflictions like corneal ulcers.

If you are consistently experiencing vague specks drifting across your field of vision accompanied by sudden flashes of light, you should contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

These symptoms could indicate vitreous detachment, a condition that could lead to retinal detachment. If you are unsure whether your eye floaters are a warning sign, please contact us for an emergency eye care assessment.

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Where to Find Us

Our Address

97 Wilson Avenue
North York, ON M5M 2Z9

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Clinic Hours

9 AM5 PM
11 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

Closed Fridays of Holiday Weekends

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What Happens if You Get Cat Pee in Your Eye?

Eye CareEye Health

What Happens if You Get Cat Pee in Your Eye?

Eye CareEye Health

Owning a pet can be extremely rewarding, but sometimes, unusual situations happen. These sorts of things are entirely normal, especially when cleaning up after your furry friend. You should always take steps to protect your eyes, no matter the situation—even when you’re cleaning a litterbox. Eye infections are serious problems, after all! If you ever […]

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March 3, 2025
York Mills Eye Care

Owning a pet can be extremely rewarding, but sometimes, unusual situations happen. These sorts of things are entirely normal, especially when cleaning up after your furry friend. You should always take steps to protect your eyes, no matter the situation—even when you’re cleaning a litterbox. Eye infections are serious problems, after all! If you ever […]

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Can an Eye Doctor Tell if You’re High?

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February 6, 2025
York Mills Eye Care

Marijuana use is known to have clear physical effects on the body, with some of the most noticeable changes happening in your eyes. If you use marijuana, it’s not unreasonable to wonder if your optometrist can tell if you’re under the influence during an appointment. And while an eye doctor could detect signs of marijuana […]

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Can You Get an Eye Infection From Eyelash Extensions?

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Eyelash extensions can introduce bacteria, fungi, or allergens to the eye, leading to common eye infections such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, or even keratitis […]

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December 27, 2024

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