Children's Eye Exams in North York

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Help Your Child Succeed

Vision is an important learning tool for children. It’s believed that almost 80% of learning for young people comes through the visual pathways, which makes it the dominant sensory tool for the brain. Knowing that your child needs healthy vision to succeed is one thing; protecting their vision is how you can make a difference.

Our children’s eye exams at York Mills Eye Care diagnose changes in their eye’s shape and prescribe treatments to correct their eyesight. The testing process gives us an early look at their ocular health and allows us to detect eye diseases as soon as possible. Don’t wait for your child to struggle—make sure they are getting regular care from our eye doctor.

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a young girl smiling and wearing glasses

How Often Should My Child Have an Eye Exam?

The Canadian Association of Optometrists has developed guidelines for a healthy frequency of children’s eye exams. These guidelines are for children with normal vision. Our optometrist will discuss when to visit if your child is showing signs of vision problems.

  • Your infant’s first eye exam should occur at about 6 months old.
  • Make sure your child has at least one eye exam between 2 and 5 years old.
  • School-aged children between 6 to 19 should have an annual eye exam.

The First Signs of Vision Problems

Your child’s eyes may experience lots of changes during the school years. As the size and shape of your child’s eye grows it can lead to myopia, and it is becoming more and more common. The greatest amount of change typically occurs between the ages of 8 and 20.

During this time, regular eye exams are essential for monitoring your child’s vision and making sure their prescription is active and accurate. Beyond letting you or a teacher know verbally, children may communicate vision problems with several symptomatic behaviours.

Potential Signs of Vision Problems

  • Frequent eye rubbing
  • Squinting or head tilting
  • Holding reading materials very close
  • Covering one eye
  • Complaints of headaches or fatigue
  • Losing place when reading

Testing for Healthy Development

There are visual skills beyond simply seeing clearly that allow a child to succeed at school. A normally developing sense of sight requires more than just an eye chart to determine. During a children’s eye exam, we test for several indicators of a healthy ocular system.

Vision Skills That We Test

  • Visual Acuity: Seeing clearly both close and far away
  • Eye Focusing: Maintain focus as distance changes
  • Hand-eye Coordination: Combining vision with motor function
  • Eye Tracking: Being able to lock onto a target
  • Eye Teaming: Using both eyes together

Corrective Eyewear for Children

In addition to eyeglasses, contact lenses can be prescribed to children with vision problems. At York Mills Eye Care, we carry a wide selection of eyewear for children of all ages, from durable frames for the adventurous youth to specialty lenses for myopia control.

We’re always concerned with your child having the advantage of healthy eyes. The first step is assessing your child’s vision with an eye exam. The next step is putting a big smile on their face when we give them the ability to see clearly. Please call us today to book your child’s eye care appointment!

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Where to Find Us

Our Address

97 Wilson Avenue
North York, ON M5M 2Z9

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9 AM5 PM
11 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM2 PM

Closed Fridays of Holiday Weekends

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Eye CareEye Health

What Happens if You Get Cat Pee in Your Eye?

Eye CareEye Health

Owning a pet can be extremely rewarding, but sometimes, unusual situations happen. These sorts of things are entirely normal, especially when cleaning up after your furry friend. You should always take steps to protect your eyes, no matter the situation—even when you’re cleaning a litterbox. Eye infections are serious problems, after all! If you ever […]

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York Mills Eye Care

Owning a pet can be extremely rewarding, but sometimes, unusual situations happen. These sorts of things are entirely normal, especially when cleaning up after your furry friend. You should always take steps to protect your eyes, no matter the situation—even when you’re cleaning a litterbox. Eye infections are serious problems, after all! If you ever […]

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February 6, 2025
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